
Showing posts from September, 2021

REAL ENGINEERs MAKE the REAL WORLD (youtube video) Want to be a real Engineer?  Want to serve the nation and world? Then the vowing opportunity you have is CLIMATE CHANGE DECARBONISATION MIT professors and department is focusing Decarbonization. Zero Carbon. How?  You say Renewable  Energy.  They say, Fusion Magnetic field. What's fusion?  In layman's language, it is A Star in a Bottle. By 2050, we can reduce Carbon emission and contribute to 20% of Total Energy Consumption with Fusion power plants. Fusion- The power of Universe. When you start a complex project or  technological project. We would ask  Where do we see miracles? This is Miracle. Dear Engineers  Watch this video of about 5minutes. Ideate, think, thrive Thankyou Happy Thinking:)


 Redefining the word Family  ------------------------------------------------------------- Dear readers, Could we be insane for the rest of the life?  Could we be the change-makers in extending Happiness? Could we be able to create a sustainable ecosystem? Yes, We can.  I have an idea of redefining the word family. Family- It is the word that defines your fraternity, your association with people for lifetime. It is destined. You didn't select your parents. You didn't select your looks. Did you?  No, it is destined. WE, The Thop  Team with rising momentum, infinite confidence, are ready to face any kind of unforeseen risks to take up, tackle and add happiness and value. We need a better India and a better World.  The world includes students, parents, Teachers, Employees and all 2 billion creatures on the planet. Let us create a group of more like-minded people. This group may include your parents, teachers and whoever you invite to.  Let us share each day a gratitude story, an u


 A Nutty conversation between a bunch of friends on this day. Lithium (Li), Radium (Ra), Li: Hi, Dude. What's all today in India? Ra: Hey, Gratitude Morning dude. Today, it is Ganesh Chaturthi. Something special for us. Li: I see, special…? What's that? Ra: Many 😁 Li: You said, just Ganesh Chaturthi, anymore else?  Ra: Yes, it's also Science day. Li raised all of sudden,   Li (sceptical): Science day?  I am a professor at MIT and have been in this field for years. How couldn't I know this?  Tell me honestly. I know Science day is on Feb 28 in India. Ra: Yes, I’ll tell you honestly, nothing to be on the sly, it's Ganesh Chaturthi and we call it Science day as well. Tellurium (Te), Yttrium (Y) (these curious guys joins in the middle) : But why?🤷🏼‍♂️ Ra: Let me take a long  breathe for a second. Now, I'll elucidate.  On this day, We have various activities. Infact, I would say it's a two day culture and fun starts a day before.  Yesterday,me and my friend Ca