A Nutty conversation between a bunch of friends on this day.

Lithium (Li), Radium (Ra),

Li: Hi, Dude. What's all today in India?

Ra: Hey, Gratitude Morning dude. Today, it is Ganesh Chaturthi. Something special for us.

Li: I see, special…? What's that?

Ra: Many ๐Ÿ˜

Li: You said, just Ganesh Chaturthi, anymore else? 

Ra: Yes, it's also Science day.

Li raised all of sudden,  

Li (sceptical): Science day? 

I am a professor at MIT and have been in this field for years. How couldn't I know this? 

Tell me honestly. I know Science day is on Feb 28 in India.

Ra: Yes, I’ll tell you honestly, nothing to be on the sly, it's Ganesh Chaturthi and we call it Science day as well.

Tellurium (Te), Yttrium (Y) (these curious guys joins in the middle) : But why?๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️

Ra: Let me take a long  breathe for a second.

Now, I'll elucidate.

 On this day, We have various activities. Infact, I would say it's a two day culture and fun starts a day before. 

Yesterday,me and my friend Carbon(C) were on the farms to collect 21 types of Herbs for the Lord. We enjoyed the serenity of nature and experienced the cool breeze with a few photo snaps around. Decorated home with Mango leaves.

Y: Leaves, Herbs….Umm?Why?

Ra: Yes, we assembled all those at one place and prayed Ganesha.

Te: But, Why Herbs? Why not pizza or sandwiches? 

Ra(Laughing): Because it's natural and Ganesha loves that and We love to do it. Your crazy Pizza doesn't work here ๐Ÿ˜„

Te: Oh! Good. If you love something, do it!! Great policy. I like it, man! How do you pray for him? Do you worship idols or photo frames? 

Ra: We do have an eco-friendly Ganesha made with clay every year at my home. We worship with full consciousness towards his creation and Satya.

Yttrium(Y) is an Arts student basically...

Y: That's nice. But, What's the science hidden in it? Pls, don't be mad at me.. Explain๐Ÿ˜”

Ra: Sure, dear.

Herbs are a natural gift to human beings and clay as well.

We perform this for 9-10 days and at the end of these days, we immerse the idol and all the offerings which in turn purifies the water in lakes due to the inbuilt medicinal value of leaves.

Y: Good! What else? Is it only among your family or do you celebrate in groups? 

Ra: Yes, we celebrate in our homes and also in the community at large. We organise ourselves, make arrangements, ensure everyone gets some time to spend and give suggestions, cultural activities by children, parents, amidst spiritual mantras we relish the joy together.

Te: Great, Ra! 

(With excitement…)

But, you know, I am a foodie. I want to hear some about dishes, please? 

Ra: Why not? Me too, buddy!!

We cook Marok/kudumulu as an offering and add it to our diet as  Ganesha's remnants.

5-6  dishes including sweet, hot, varied vegetables etc.. you can fill your belly to the maximum:)

You know, Te? 

At Least to eat all this cooked food by my mother, I always want to be at my home for every Ganesh Chaturthi ๐Ÿ˜„

Y: Hey, what's the science behind it again?๐Ÿ™Š

Li: This time, I shall explain.

Modak/ Kudumulu has two superpowers I.e.., Coconut and Jaggery 

Coconut- Easy to Digest, boosts metabolism in the body,  increases good cholesterol in the body and helps in fighting against bacteria.

Jaggery fights cold and flu. It detoxifies the liver and activates digestive enzymes.

Most importantly, it is a steam cooked food that retains 90% of the Antioxidants, colour/ flavour of food and it preserves vitamins, potassium and phosphorus.

These are Actual facts:)

Ra: Well explained, Li! In this group of people, no one will feel reticent to convey good deeds.

Y: That's awesome to hear, man. I crave for it now๐Ÿ˜

(Te is thinking in a deep way, relating all these to Quantum physics. With Quantum Courage, he raised his hand and )

Te: Nice,Ra & Li. 

Here, in our school, to start any event or a program, we follow uniformity and dress code.

How do you pray to Ganesha?  

Do you have any specified attire? Or it’s upto us to be fashionable?

Ra: Good question, Te!

We do have a designed dress for it. We consider that as pride for seeing men in Dhoti/panchas and women in saree.

C(naughty) : I like wearing it๐Ÿค—

Ra: Thank you C for your response. 

Y:(Want to be a member) Guys, I am very good at drawing and painting. How can I help with my skill in Vinayaka celebrations?

Ra: Dear Y, India needs your talent:)

You can draw 3 concentric colours using 2 colours with 1 aim of belief on Ganesha.

May your sketch act as a path for Ganesha's destination at our home.

In the next 9 days, we all meet twice a day, perform pooja, chantings, offerings, distributing the remnants, sharing each other views, songs, bhajans and many more. People stay overnight there after.

In the process, Children acquire management skills( organising the event), communication skills (talking with all the visitors).

A 9 day Marvel…

A bond Strengthening time.

The epitome of love and belief towards God.

Blessings and betterment.

A Happy Ending.

Li: Woah! What an Energy!, you all possess to do these. I am very excited to be part of it.

Ra: Thanks, Li! It's always  collective work.

Do you agree now if I name it Science day?

Li: Agreed 

Te: Agreed! 

Y: I completely agree with you, Ra! 

C: Me toooo๐Ÿ˜„

Ra: We have many Science days likewise in a year if we realize. I would say everyday is a Science day.

Ra: Why late?  Come let's join together and spend time with the lord of knowledge, wisdom ans intellect and cherish throughout this spiritual Journey.

Now, all five friends meet at a place and turn out to be:

Li+Te+Ra+C+Y= LiTeRaCY.

It is our pride to pass on this Literacy to the upcoming generations. 

 Literacy is the formula for human progress.

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

Happy Everyday:)

Thank you for reading this unsolicited long message.

Always Grateful to you:)


  1. Great fact of & by LiTeRaCY.. Yes, everyday is a Science day


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