EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON- Rohith Pulluri resembling Ratan Tata Thought process.

 Everything happens for a reason

From 6AM, on April 5,2022 I was very excited for the rest of the day. I had more 18 hours remaining.

By 4pm, the Curiosity within me reached its peak. It continued from then.

As we reached the venue, an hour before,  Triveni Akka and Shivani Akka were making seating arrangements.

I checked my seat which is beside Philip Garu from Ortho Team and Ram sir from Cyient on the other side.

I had a plan to talk a few words with them during the session.

But, due to the excellent and unstoppable flow of presentations, our attention was only on the presenters for 20-25 mins.

Later, when Philip garu was called to give his comments about us (Thops), 

He started his speech  with a quote which is his favourite one,

 If you only walk, you can walk faster

If you together walk, you can walk longer

which resembles my favourite quote

If I learn I only can learn

If WE learn WE all can learn together

 I understood, we are thinking the same, maybe there is a difference in the path (words) but the destination is the same( meaning).

I got to know the Power of this quote within a millisecond.


I then realised and said to myself,

"Me- Rohith Pulluri, a 3rd-year Chemical  Engineering student has the same thought process as Philip Rangkynsai Nongbet, a Senior Manager Human Resources- Asia Pacific Region.

Yes, I am on the right path. Energise more."

Maybe God wants us to sit side by side through this seating arrangement 😁

I felt very good after listening to his words. 

Later I got to know, the  quote
(If you only walk, you can walk faster

If you together walk, you can walk longer) is from Ratan Tata. 

Now I took that pride in my thought process and Ratan Tata's thought process coincided.

Everything happens for a reason

# Celebrating every moment of life😇


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